(A conversation with Anglophone entrepreneurs ahead of and after the Communication Forum)
By Mwalimu George Ngwane*
“The media are not the holders of power but they constitute by and large the space where power is decided” Castells Manuel
In my last write-up, I invited Communication Minister Issa Tchiroma to a conversation on breaking French language hegemony in our state media. I emphasised that the present lopsided state of biculturalism in our state media has had a toll on our nation building project, broken the communication mirror that is supposed to reflect our bicultural image to the world, stifled the mental production of Anglophones, atrophied the creative space of cultural professionals both as producers and consumers of English language, deprived a critical mass of taxpayers of their legitimate information rights and benefits, distorted the prism of Cameroon’s historical trajectory, closed the doors on employment, limited the marketing and sale of their products and thrown a large segment of their customers into the international market of Cable network.
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