George Ngwane. (2023). Protecting Minority Language Rights. Protéger les droits des langues minoritaires. Spears Books, Denver, CO. Available from SpearsBooks and worldwide on all major online bookstores.
Fresh off the press is George Ngwane’s book PROTECTING MINORITY LANGUAGE RIGHTS, a bilingual volume that makes the case for why minority language rights are human rights.
According to Professor Joshua Casteliino, Executive Director of Minority Rights Group, International London and Professor of Law, the book offers those interested in linguistic rights insights into the dilemmas facing African countries, set against the backdrop of developments in the international framework for the promotion of linguistic rights.
Ce livre bilingue sur les droits linguistiques traite de la manière dont ces droits sont protégés par les règles internationales (mondiales) en matière de droits de l'homme par le système africain de protection des droits de l'homme et par la législation camerounaise. Il propose également des idées sur la manière de rendre les organismes de surveillance des droits linguistiques plus efficaces et de leur donner des capacités de mise en œuvre’
The first Chapter looks at the principle which says that language rights are also human rights. It looks at the treatment of minority language rights from a Global perspective with all the United Nations treaty bodies and other international instruments examined.
Chapter 2 treats the concept of minority language rights as perceived by continental human rights institutions in Africa.
Chapter 3 takes a journey on the evolution of language standards in Cameroon leading to the creation of the first-ever language body.
Chapter 4 paints a picture as to why language rights bodies were created and the nomenclature and scope that underpin them.
The Book ends by examining the issue of enforcement of language rights. It reviews what powers language commissions actually have to take enforcement measures against entities that are not complying with constitutional, legislative, or regulatory precepts on language rights and access.
Il recommande à cet égard que les commissions linguistiques soient dotées de structures internes capables de mener des enquêtes et d'identifier les situations de non-conformité, afin que les autorités de l'État puissent agir en conséquence. La lecture de ce livre est recommandée aux commissaires linguistiques, notamment aux nouvelles commissions linguistiques.
Available in paperback and ebook formats in all favourite online bookstores and worldwide via African Books Collective, the book can easily be ordered by calling +1 720 231-9835.
George Ngwane is a Member of the National Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism, Cameroon, and has held prestigious Fellowships in UK, Switzerland, Thailand and U.S.A. This is his tenth publication.
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